oh this is bad hi friends oh whoa oh mhaha hi friends and welcome to i can't figure out the god damn lighting lines lines lines *beeeeep* your such a *beeeeep* dumb person hey guys welcome to our channel so this is our first video and this is *beeeeeep*
yoga übungen, and im *beeeeeep* together we are the behinderung to the max - wir sind so geil so basically today we are gonna do the couples yoga challenge guys no shush ok guys (retarded laughing) hello friends
welcome - we are using what i did it was the best one. no we have to start together and be like hello behindis. hello behindis, so this is our first video on our channel: behinderung to the max. and this is *beeeeeeeeep* oh my god first of all stop pronouncing my name wrong and second of all- and i'm *beeeeeeeeep* no we cant expose our names. so we are behinderung number one behinderung number two- why am i number two?? ok! behinderung number one behinderung number on-two um and today we will be doing an eight, oh wait how should i say this. partner yoga poses for lovers and friends that's us - the lovers ok ok so the first pose. ugh holy *beeeeep* the first one should be
on the bottom of the screen. okay, okay this is gonna be so much editing cause we are so *beeeeep*- wait. do your socks have this on them- my socks have like the stop so that i dont slip. ai (retarded laughter again).lets go, we cant even- guys i think before we start this video you should know i've had a lot of yoga exoerience compared to this one- but roberto gave me a lot of experience you cant just *beeeeeep*. we are not even on the frame, ok wait. one, two, three, ok. aaaah wait hold on au my legs are not straight (more retarded laughter) we are so flexible. we can't even do this. hold my. no no thats gonna be too much stretch. no its fine- its not fine like that ok make suppose she does i want turkey
up let you do the dogs have to straighten your back agents talking everything i don't fully lined i can't happen anymore look at this no no no okay yeah i balance come on don't you going to place that night you're right you guys my brother's great
oh my god hurry happy omigod don't just send us another table do you know what i know i can that's our baby down position or rock garden dr hey anyone thank you for my top of what you state level wave anything i'm gonna fall out so i guess my life wow we've done it makes provision
left-hander as fake off i should hold off right out are you ok state put out that we love you and sue me next week for the middle name guys guys remember to always favorite imagine okay bye